Back to School Events!

Thu, 09/21/2023 - 8:19am


Partnering for Success: We're Excited to Welcome You to Back to School Night


Dear BWES Families,

We're thrilled to invite you to our upcoming Back to School Night on 

  • Tuesday, September 10th @ 5:30 - 7:30 pm for Primary grades PK, K, 1 & 2! 

  • Wednesday, September 11th @ 5:30 - 7:30 pm for Intermediate grades 3, 4 & 5! 

  • We've heard your feedback and tailored the evening to give you more choices and opportunities to connect with staff and other families.

Your Feedback in Action

Your input from the recent survey was instrumental in shaping this year's event. Here are some key takeaways:

  • Top Priorities: You're most excited about connecting with your child's teacher, understanding the curriculum, and seeing the classroom environment. That's why we've made individual teacher presentations the heart of the evening and included classroom visits.

  • Valuable Past Experiences: You appreciated informative teacher presentations and Q&A sessions. We've ensured ample time for both this year.

  • Desired Activities: You expressed interest in informal interactions and opportunities to connect with other parents and staff. Our "Mix and Mingle" time and small group discussions at the Information Stations are designed to foster these connections.



  • 5:30 - 5:50 PM: Information Stations - Round 1

    • Choose from various stations like Family File Completion, Meet the Related Arts Team, Student Services Support, Library Resources, An Alphabet for Families, GT Programming, and more! Stay tuned for specific “stations.”

  • 5:50 - 6:10 PM: Mix and Mingle

    • Meet other parents in your child's grade and chat with staff (in a fun way!)

  • 6:15 - 7:05 PM: Teacher Presentations in Classrooms

    • Learn about a day in your scholar's school life!

  • 7:10 - 7:30 PM: Information Stations - Round 2

    • You’ll have another opportunity to visit stations you may have missed earlier and additional time to engage with staff and families.

Important Notes:

  • Focus on Connection: This evening is designed to build relationships and foster community. While we encourage questions during the teacher presentations, please note that this is not the time for individual parent-teacher conferences.

  • Connect with Teachers Anytime: Fall parent-teacher conferences are scheduled for late November, providing dedicated time for in-depth discussions. You can also reach out to your child's teacher anytime via email to schedule a meeting (in-person, virtually, or over the phone).

  • Childcare Available: We want all parents to participate fully, so childcare will be available for those who need it.

  • Future Opportunities: Our next event on October 9th will focus on the school improvement plan and community resources. Stay tuned for more information.

We look forward to embarking on this exciting new school year together!


BWES Administration


BTSN Flyer